Any sleep disorder can cause a patient to suffer diminished health and quality of life. Sleep apnea is a potentially serious disorder for patients and requires sleep apnea treatment in Jackson, MI. If you or someone you know has symptoms of sleep apnea, our dentist near you has solutions. Dr. Mark McFerran and our team at Summit Pointe Dental can address your sleep apnea and recommend treatment.
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that occurs when a patient’s breathing stops and starts repeatedly. Some signs of sleep apnea are loud snoring and tiredness or fatigue after a full night’s sleep. This sleep disorder can affect a patient’s overall health and quality of life.
Oral appliances are a form of treatment for some patients with mild to moderate sleep apnea. By allowing the patient to improve the quality of their sleep, these appliances reduce the effects of fatigue on the mind and body. These oral appliances are designed to keep the patient’s throat open by either moving the lower jaw forward or holding the tongue in a different position to prevent airway obstruction. Dr. Mark McFerran will assess your particular condition and recommend effective treatment for your sleep apnea.
There are ways to help avoid sleep apnea as a serious sleep disorder. Maintaining a healthy diet and weight reduces the risk of developing sleep apnea. Regular exercise can also improve the condition. Substances such as alcohol and tobacco products exacerbate sleep apnea as a condition and elevate the risk of serious consequences resulting from this sleep disorder. For other methods of avoiding sleep apnea, consult our dental care team.
If our dentist in Jackson, MI, determines that you suffer from sleep apnea, an oral appliance may be recommended as a therapy to treat this disorder. This treatment can improve your sleep and rest, improving your overall health and quality of life. Contact Dr. Mark McFerran and our professional staff at Summit Pointe Dental for more information about sleep apnea treatment near you.